This phenomenon occurs when you awake and realize you have a hard on.

The best way to deal with it is flash the first hour class with an outline of your bone, or to relentlessly fap before you go to school.
morning wood, if not properly taken care of, can cause Erectile Dysfunction
by Demon Phoenix 1337 October 4, 2004
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a boner that occurs when you wake up in the morning, normally after a good jack off the night before.
My morning wood is huge, but probably because I'm horse hung.
by Hung And Proud September 14, 2006
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penis erection that occurs after a male wakes up
Most males usually have a morning wood. People like Wesley Chou and other perverts out there always enjoy the burning sensation of a morning wood.
by Anonymous June 29, 2003
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Morning Wood is when a guy gets a boner in the morning. ;) it happens because guys are horny phucks.
he got a morning woody because he's a horny phuck that needs to get laiiid.
by phuckphuck September 22, 2010
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Matt wakes up at RGs house with a morning wood
by R G October 13, 2003
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The primary reason for showering toilet seats and bathroom floors just after waking up from a nightmare about exploding in a sewage treatment plant and never being able to have sex again. Three times in twenty years of marriage wasn't enough.
Marsha; I'm so sick of cleaning the bathroom after you, damn it!
John; It's not my fault I keep telling you, it's the morning wood!

Marsha; Right, dead eye! I'd give you a mop but you'll probably wipe the den. I wish you morning wouldn't!
by Martha Stewbird April 20, 2011
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A song by Nth Degree about having morning wood.
M-O-M-O-R-M-O-R-N-I-N-G-W-O-O-D TO THE Nth DEGREE!!! I love Morning wood!
by Co0k1eM0n5tr805 June 17, 2009
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