a kind, loving and caring girl. sometimes shy but ones you get to know her she a real sweetheart. perfect girlfriend, better friend. beautiful eyes like a Disney Forrest. soft skin like a new born baby. sweetest smile that you see rarely but once you do you wont forget it.

love xoxoxo
i love you

she has beautiful eyes

by nanoboi November 5, 2021
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Pumpkin spice basic bitch. She's amazing, but will hit you when excited. Like's the song 'Truffle Butter' but doesn't know what it means. There's a weird guy stalking her, but it's cool because you're pretty it's her uncle. She's amazing anyway, just not every way.
Nick: "Hey Michaela
Michaela: Yo, I just want to drink my Pumpkin Spice Latte and listen to Truffle Butter.
Nick: Okay. Anyone ever tell you you a basic bitch.
by Thomp12y December 4, 2019
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nino nino
nino nino michaela
by xxbum April 3, 2021
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likes to associate with rapists and is fucking ugly with the worst singing voice I've ever heard :)
wow, so she's totally fine with her friends being rapists? such a michaela.
by fuckchoirbitches April 27, 2022
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A girl who you got a big crush on but you turn out being the one crushed because she won't take none of your shit.
"Yo,she a straight Michaela to me."
by Dunkeymunee November 19, 2016
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( Pronounced "michael-a" ) A situation that has become so awkward that it can no longer be explained as being "awkward".
Guy 1: Dude, this situation is so michaela

Guy 2: Man, you are totally right.
by ferocious pete July 17, 2011
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