A phrase that on one hand has no meaning, but on the other hand means everything. It is often employed to express a feeling of pure joy, gayness, glee, or pride. It can also be used in awkward situations to break the ice, in helpless situation to raise morale, or simply when one is acting the fool.

The correct intonation when pronouncing this phrase, expressed in musical terms, is equivalent to that of a descending note sequence of "La So Fa" on the same octave. Particular emphasis should be placed on the first and third syllables, in which the third syllable is commonly extended. The "r" sound at the end of each "la" must be pronounced as clearly as possible in order to produce a cacophonous sound that either puts people off, or makes them believe you're an idiot.

In extreme cases where one is too excited to produce the complete phrase, exclaiming "Ah Lur, Ah Lur" is also acceptable and bears similar meanings.
A: "Hey how did the Halo match go?"
B: "Lar li Lar~"
A: "What the...."

A: (Out of nowhere) LAR LI LAR~
B: *gasps*


A: (Whispers) lar li lar
B: (Whispers back) lar li lar
by HKwords December 1, 2009
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Basically a ugly name that is given to the most retarded scandinavian babies. Saying his name is now considered an offense in 3 countries.
"You know that guy lars"
Mom:"Go wash your mouth!"
by Hamena October 7, 2015
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lars is on amstelveen college.
the most girls love him en he is a pretty guy and always saying cancer to people. he is a real guy from the netherlands
by gemeente aalsmeer November 6, 2019
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Your personal pocket-sized fluffy lesbian
Lars means that both people cum.
by brendondallonryan January 24, 2019
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"Ok, I'll warn you babe it's a lars dick so you can't deep throat it ok"
"bitch that's a thumb dick"
"That's what Lars means look it up in urban dictionary"
by FishyVag12 April 17, 2017
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The definition of a Lars is a racist, homophobic, autistic, sexist and discriminating person who is always out trying to discriminate against other people. He also watches a lot of porn and that is a reason for all the dirty-minded comments. He will never come in time for an appointment because he is at home styling his cap on his head. Other things a Lars would like to do is to fuck with your sister or kiss younger girls.
Women at a clothing store.
"It won't fit its too big", women
"That's what she said", Lars


"Whats the difference to boy scouts and jews?
Boy scouts come back from their camps."

"Who said that?"
"It has to be Lars."
by batman124 March 23, 2022
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Real Danish fag from da hood. If you ever threaten him with a gun, he'll fucking stomp you with his 48" dick and shit on you afterwards.
"Ayo homie, dis neighborhood real dangerous. Could be a Lars here"
"Ayo, watch out! The Lars with his magnum dong will stomp yo ass"
by Lars_SK June 1, 2022
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