When you coate your dick in vinegar and stick it in a extremely hot red head's ass
by G-Bux November 20, 2019
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A manly contest for 3 or more where the participants strip naked, {manually arouse} themselves, lubricate their {erect penises} with hot sauce,and playfully {poke} as many other participants as possible in the {anus}, all the while guarding against getting {poked} themselves and maintaining an {erection}. This activity often results in the dreaded condition known as the {Rim of Hades}.
Last night me and my {crew} got {shit-faced} and some fool suggested we have a Hot Tamale Poke-a-thon. Judging by how my {asshole} felt this morning when I {took a dump}, I was obviously the loser.
by Balls O'rork July 13, 2010
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1. Attractive person
2. Historically popular but now largely obsolete cinnamon sweet invented in the 1950s
“He is such a hot tamale!”
“I could really go for something sweet and sugary right now, like a hot tamale candy”
by Maz1993 February 15, 2022
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It's when you cover your dick in hot chili paste and fuck a pussy with it, dat's a hot tamale
She wanted to spice things up in the bedroom, so I have her a hot tamale
by Buttplugbetty March 25, 2016
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When you shove a Carolina reaper pepper up your partners ass and then fish it out of their ass.
Mark told me he gave his boyfriend Juan a hot tamale.
by Gugie December 22, 2021
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The act of lighting a male penis on fire and sticking it in a females ass
Jerry gave me the hot tamale last night, Jessica is way to kinky man she wanted me to give her the Ole Hot tamale
by The Etcher November 26, 2021
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When the d*ck too hot , you suspect a STD. Or sicklecellisiss
Ew get that hot tamale off me. Put in some foil or something
by Mrs. Nesbit January 29, 2022
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