A useless piece of shit mistakenly classified as a human being that accomplishes nothing even semi-important in life. These creatures live off of fast food and distribute illegal substances while protesting “The Big Cooperation.” Eventually if a college education in "basket weaving" is obtained, these useless beings will eventually develop into liberals then maybe even the well known and hated democrat.
Listen Hippy! Leave your Subaru or broken down buss, stop bitching, and get a real job! If you dont like our county get the fuck out!
by Jon Green December 3, 2006
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A liberal who reeks of forest and needs a haircut. Easily recognizable by the long hair and lack of money and motivation.
See that long haired man over there? He's a damn hippy.
by Rayeth July 5, 2005
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Middle aged potbellied fat old fuckers with long greasy hair and a tangled beards. May also smoke, snort, shoot up, and, or swallow massive amounts of mind-expanding drugs. Wear dirty old clothes circa 1984 and rank of sweat and ass. Daily actvities include bitching about the woes of society and laying around in the alley where they live. Are to be avoided at all costs.
That fucking hippy stinks like a dead man's farts.
by Mark James October 10, 2003
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i dont want to work, i want to get high, but it's the governments fault i dont have a job.
by kevin February 16, 2004
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a nappy ass person who smells like ass and weed
dan hendrickson is a dam hippy he should take a shower
by jake January 15, 2004
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A person that was involved in antiwar protest of the 60's in the US. Now used as a excuse to get high all day and complain about things. Hippies as of 2003 will take anything from the east as it is cool and procliam they are that. You might find a hippy that looks muslum but when you look deep they are very shallow about the religion as the just want to get high.
Little hippy John likes to come to Canada to do cartwheels infront of the coffee shop to impress the 14 year old girls. Than Johnny the hippie gets high and then gets high again and then claims he is a spiritual person,
by Joe Tippytoes September 15, 2003
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someone who lacks social skills and spends all their time trying to be "different" from everyone else. They usually waste their life away doing drugs and thinking their so much smarter than all their peers. Also they most often drive piece of shit cars, dont get invited to all the cool parties and spend most Friday nights at home watching star trek.
All the hippies that smoke their entire life away and say that everyone else "don't have a clue"
by hippie hater August 4, 2005
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