Incongruous to the traditional defintion of a "love bite," term refers to the adolescent outrage of testosterone in a male,leading to a superhuman self-image associated with an unearned high ego, attributed to red hair and a purple car. This specimen enjoys absurd amounts of fifa, honey barbeque wings, collared shirts, saying "dude," pounding brews (and getting beaten in chugging by his girlfriend), listening to dave, and anything fundamentally related to being a "bro" from a well to do long island town. a jerk, a stud, a legend, the man himself, the Hickey.
CJ Tyrone Hickey is an ideal representative
by Tyrone Mandhandle March 1, 2007
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hickey a person who is the shiznit. and cums on peoples faces
woah did you see him hes a hickey
by Mandieeee August 27, 2008
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1)having a terrible horrible no good very bad day,

2) something that is terribly bad, mean or cranky

3) A hispanic ganster, or chilean who enjoys wife beating

4) A columbian woman prone to hitting others with an open fist
"that Hickey robbed me",

today was a real Hickey day!

wow that hickey sure did slap like a girl !

that hickey is real cuteeeeee, when speaking of joe
by coldorb September 28, 2010
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something you get when you share soda and lip gloss
i got a hickey from drinking Taylors soda
by silly sam sam October 4, 2007
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a nickname for a turtleneck. there’s a pretty good chance a girl recently hooked up w someone when she’s wearing one
Anna: Fuck dude can I borrow a hickey hider for school tmr?
Emily: Of course, I gotchu girl. Did you hook up with Tyson again last night?
Anna: Maybe...
by ur b1tch November 28, 2019
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A red mark located somewhere on a violin/violists neck area (Location varies) from excessive practicing.

Due to looking a lot like a hickey, they are usually referred to as the "Violin hickey", But in the medical world, it is referred to as "Fiddler's neck" Which is much tackier.

Violinists/Violists get these on the left side, so anyone claiming a hickey on the right side has a violin hickey is really a whore trying to cover up by looking cool.

Hickeys are most often located under the jaw, in the mid-neck area, on the collarbone, or near the front of the shoulder.

Some hickeys are caused by a reaction to the nickel in the metal holding the chin rest on, while others are caused by the constant movement of the instrument against the skin.

This red mark is often considered a "Badge of Honor" among musicians, although they are actually quite painful.
Guy 1: Oh man, is that a hickey? What've you been doing?

Guy 2: No, man. That's just my Violin Hickey.
by Violacentric January 5, 2013
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Three hickeys that overlap in such a way that they form the shape of Mickey Mouse's head.
What is that, did you just get attacked by a vampire with a harelip?
No, its just a hickey mouse.
by Mrmcchicken July 5, 2011
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