1. A thug
2. An ice hockey player with no useful skills other than to try and kill people. Typically a horrible puck handler and skater.
3. An ugly (either aesthetically or personality wise) guy who is with a much hotter girl that he doesn't deserve.
3. "Hey, check out that girl. Why the hell is she with that goon??"
"Must be her retarded brother."
by J. Mac. September 5, 2007
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The act of doing a little trolling/ doing some kind of Dionysian expression either online or in real life, typically enjoyed by MIA listeners
Me and the goons smoked American spirits then went drunk driving in the goon bus last night. One could say we did a little Gooning.
by Gabriel.Styx February 13, 2022
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A tough hired by a company to intimidate union members or strikers; a member of a "goon squad" or private corporately paid guards.

Also any hired thug used for purposes of intimidation.
"You had better stop making trouble or I'll send my goons after you.
by Blue Pilgrim February 8, 2004
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Cask wine. Cheap shit that tastes like shit but fucks you up. comes in red and white, many varieties and textures.
"I was on the goon last night" or "im a goon warrior hear me roar"
by Trozza March 23, 2006
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cheap ass muthafuckin wine

has a reputation for getting you pissed quickly, and the comfy silver bag doubles as a pillow ;)
"Hey Clifton, lets buy some goon from our centrelink payment and get FUCKED up"

"Clancy im tired let me sleep on your bag of goon!"
by LEEROY-WALLY April 21, 2008
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the greatest drink ever
mainly drank by unemployed teenagers
4 litres of goon for $10
by joondalup December 24, 2009
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Australian slang: cheap wine, port, sherry or other fortified wine products. really, really cheap, and usually rough :)

the word is a corruption of the 'flagon' (very large glass bottle) such products were/are sold in. although you'd usually buy it in casks these days, flagons still exist especially for port and sherry.
arrrgh, mate, that goon we got our hands on last night really did some damage...
by periwinkle January 11, 2005
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