(v) to put a large amount of fresh out of the dispenser soda into your mouth and leave it in there until the acid eats away at your mouth and it gets numb

(n) the act of fizzing
Kelly: Do you want to come fizzing with me after school?
Katie: Absolutely!
Mary Kate: Why, yes. I would enjoy fizzing greatly. It's great fun.
by slanglastsforevermkp March 19, 2009
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check out that beyotch,, hey steve "fizz" dat?
by steve May 17, 2003
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When you fart and jizz at the same time.
Yo, I just saw him fizz in the bathroom!
by ImaThePotatoGod March 8, 2018
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fizze is a roblox group
lets go to fizze interviews so we can fail
by pussydestroyer098 February 26, 2021
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1. An command word, meaning 'comprehend this'
2. A term of endearment to a close personal friend or work colleague.
1. "Yo man, fizz this shiz"
2. "S'up fizz, looking fly playa, dig?"
by Stev White June 12, 2006
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Popping a fizzy vitmain tablet up my botty and then letting the horses bolt all over my girlfriends face.
Danny popped the tablet up, whilst Katy waited in earnest for some gentleman's relish.
by Danny Jones May 28, 2004
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when a place or person isn't as great as you thought it was going to be.
"yeah that house last night was a fizz"
by sheeezy October 19, 2009
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