Crust; Noun: (Crusty) Most commonly used as a feeling of grodiness, sick, drunk, disgusted and “skeez ball-ish” if you will.
can be used as a expression such as “That bitch is so crusty” which can be good OR bad.
by The Crusty Kr3w April 15, 2010
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Crust cruh-sst - noun, a synonym for a woman's vagina.
"Bruhhh, you shoulda seen that crust I pummeled last night." "Hell yeah Chad"
by The Rusty Hang-glider April 27, 2021
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Someone who talks a load of crap for an extended period of time and does not know when to shut up!! The action is known as crusting. Frequently overused by some people which in itself is crusting!!
Steven - I saw the other day on this website that if you stand instead of sit during most of your daily activities you burn an extra 37 calories a cool is that??!!

Fred - Dude your crusting, i've never heard anyone as crusty as you in my are the definition of crust!!!
by Mike 'Wheels' Robinson March 31, 2009
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The outermost layer of the earth.

This layer is asls considered part of the "Lithosphere" which consists of the upper mantle and the crust.
"litho" translated in Greek means "rocky". Stating that these two are both rock and closely related in cheical composition.
The geologist stated "The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth."
by Spudy March 30, 2011
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When a girl grinds her crack on your leg, and dried dookie gets on your leg.
Sam and his girl were crusting hardcore last night.
by BigNate55 May 14, 2010
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when you drink so much you get a alchohol crust around your mouth
wow man i must have been hammered last night, i woke up with a crusting
by trunkface January 4, 2006
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The forming of a disgusting crusty like substance on one's eyelashes.
Nick: Hi guys!
Declan: Ew Nick, you have crust on your face!
Nick: Damnit! This always happens to me!
by MistyDualies April 27, 2011
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