When the male testicles tighten from becoming warmer than 96.6 degrees Fahrenheit and raise up toward the body.
He had frozen butter nuts after he came inside after playing in the snow.
by ChloeV124 December 1, 2016
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When a male has anal sex with another individual until it’s gaping and then proceed to put his scrotum in the anal hole so that gives a feeling described as when an individual sucks on their balls.
“Hell yea Paulie , i fucked marleens ass loose last night and butter nut it”
“Sheiiittt how was it”
“Like normal rim job”

“Fuck July”
“Yes Marleen
Joshie Butteenut my ass”
by The Shamaine November 25, 2017
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The fine art of ejaculating onto a piece of toast and then spreading butter over the toast, thus mixing the cum and butter and delivering it to the enemy of the one who ejaculates.
Sage is such a dick, i am going to start butter nutting him every morning.
by ThatAsianGutBuster October 28, 2015
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The practice of blowing a snot rocket into her vagina instead of ejaculating.
My girls been acting up, I'm Butter Nutting tonight.
by Ricky the sticky July 7, 2022
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More commonly referred to by the name Sperm, or Jiz. Nut butter is a more acceptable, more cosmopolitan, more pc term to move forward in the ages...............man I almost believe my own BS, almost.
“So I was watching this porno, when the next second, this poor chick gets a full protein nut butter facial, by the pizza delivery guy, who woulda seen that coming”?
by Matty Bro September 27, 2019
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Nut butter is foul tasting butter resembling peanut butter but in no way an equal. Death to all nut butter
Some guy: Hey, iḿ on a diet where is the nut butter?
Employee: Right this way sir.

The employee then takes him to the front doors and kicks him out. Stay in school, and eat nut butter. I meant dont eat it. its poisonous.
by luqerbqli March 18, 2019
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