Having to park your car on the otherside of the college campus when classes are in a closer building.
I was late to class because I had to park in bumfuck Egypt.
by Julie March 9, 2004
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The Home of Mrs. Clit and Willis who live in the imaginations of 2 best friends, since 1967
by Nootie Jr. July 27, 2004
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An ungodly hour that one finds themselves awake at, but dont want to be.

Used as a mesurement of time between the hours of 4 - 6 am.
"I had to wake up at Bumfuck O' clock today to get to work"

"Whats this c@#t doing up at Bumfuck O' clock in the morning?"
by FoxyBrown92 November 4, 2017
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Drinking enough beer to kill small horse.
Brandon was chitty chitty bumfucked at the supermarket last week.
by Paco de los coocarochos April 26, 2013
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synonym of middle of nowhere, usually in hillbilly territory
We let that dumbass, Darin, drive and we ended up at the corner of bumfuck and you got a perty mouth
by HurricaneAndrew June 13, 2008
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gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 is the best thing you will ever have some people have it upside down or perpendicular it is promissed yo dick will get bigger by -6.9 inches
i just had some gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 up side down on a stair case.
Get the gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 mug.