A bitch ass fuck boy with huge double D tits. Known for being a lil shit and stealing jokes
I hate bitch tits. He could literally go fuck himself
by thehumandildo January 7, 2015
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A boy/girl who is being a fucking retard and you have no other things to call him/her, so therefore you may call him/her a "bitch tit".
Marina- She is such a fucking bitch tit!

Peyton- I know, she fucking has nothing better to do with her life except to try and steal every girls boyfriend!

Marina- I know, what a slut..
by MASSACRExDOLL July 11, 2006
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brests larger than kristies on a male. tend to sag n can be tied to hairy testicles
hellll girl ali darwish tiitties r bigger than yours BITCH TITS!!!!
by BLACKKK October 7, 2005
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A male that has boobs the size of watermelons. They are called bitch tits because this male is probably a little bitch.
After Andy and Chris kept feeding each other cupcakes they both developed bitch tits. Now they feast on the cock-meat-sandwich, and occasionaly they like a good titty fuck.
by theycallmeballsdeep March 21, 2009
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A fuckface cracker who thinks they're as cool as blackies.
Joe Cracker: Ay bra.. look ova der at dem cholos...
Mike Cracker: Dude don't be a bitch tit!
by Jesus H. Motherfuckin Christ January 1, 2009
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When a male subject is being emotional, high maintenance, or just plain bitchy.
"Gee, I think that Brian has his bitch tits on today, he has been verbally abusive the entire day"
by Tiffany June 16, 2006
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