by coolgirl April 21, 2005
Pants that are worn below the waste line, exposing the boxers. Oversized pants make it easier because it drops as the belt is adjusted. It is believed this originated in prison. Male prisoners would wear pants that were sagging in order to have sex and not get caught. Sex is prohibited in prison and the guards would catch the male prisoners having sex or with their pants down. The idea of sagging made it easier for male prisoners to have sex and pull their
pants up as the guards approached.
pants up as the guards approached.
by JC87 July 21, 2006
To wear you pants below the waistline, and possibly down to your knees in extreme situations. "Sagging" originated in the poor black community in which boys could only afford one pair of pants. As they grew, their pants became shorter and shorter, forcing them to "sag" them in order to keep the cool baggy look that they desired.
by The Truf February 9, 2007
an acronym for "shits and giggles"
by willbur September 22, 2012
by Guy Weldo May 12, 2004
by jesuslives4527 July 2, 2006