A (usually) woman who is only attracted to cops.
Stella only dates cops, she's such a badge chaser.
by Lucina November 10, 2006
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This is a rank or a status awarded to a guy or girl that has had anal sex for the first time.
Guy 1: Man, Steve finally got his freaky badge yesterday.
Guy 2: Yeah, his girlfriend totally let him fuck her in the ass.

Guy 1: How was anal sex for the first time?
Guy 2: It was nasty, but at least now I have the freaky badge.
by Hyperelg June 24, 2009
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A common phrase used to describe a cavernous vagina (vag).
Hey Grandma, do you have room in your Captain's Badge for my camera?
by jewed-star October 4, 2010
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There are a confluence of factors required to achieve the dump badge:
1. A person works in an office where employees must wear photo IDs.
2. The person wears the badge clipped to his belt.
3. Typically, this involves a male, because women rarely wear badges on their belts.
4. You must have a restroom that is shared among multiple employees.
5. The person wears the badge on the side of his pants which faces out when sitting in the stall.

Ok, if all of the elements are in place, this is what happens: worker A goes into the stall for a bowel movement. What he doesn't realize is that when he dropped his pants, his badge is visible underneath the stall door and everyone who comes in can see the identity of the one in the bathroom. This becomes particularly troublesome if any noteworthy events happen in the restroom (like those involving odors or messes left behind).
1: Hey, Bruce, have you seen Steve?
2: Give him a minute, I just saw his dump badge in the bathroom.
by Golden-Rod February 19, 2008
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The asshole. The bunghole.
My scout’s badge is mungy.

The counselor snuck in and pinned my scout’s badge.
by Dick Onchin August 31, 2020
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Little badges people can give you on the the new Ver.7-ultra-web2.0 Deviantart. The badges are represented as one llama that 'levels up' to gain little pixelated clothes and change colours. How many llama badges you have directly effects your e-penis, and groups sprang up quickly after the introduction of llama badges specifically for their exchange.

llama badges coinceded with the introduction of points, another way DA entices you for cash. (The other is Premium Membership). Points can be given like badges and exchanged for memberships, prints, and Deviantart swag. Points could be exchaned for usefull- even 'real world' things, but you could also use them to buy llama badges.

That's right.

You can pay money for little pixel-llamas that do jack shit.

Thanks, Deviantart.
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