A Turban Dickson Airy is a part of the social media attire of the truest “radicals.” As they say. The clothes make the man. It is often donned upon realizing one’s speech is too inflammatory for traditional avenues, but one’s need for comic relief remains yearning. Often considered a healthy alternative to masturbation, which while fine in small amounts, carries the risk of warping you into a sex fiend.

After airing the good words, the TDA is often forgotten about, potentially offending others accidentally, because that is the nature of the troll.
Brah: You think Diamonddick really wants to “Complete DaVinci’s Circle”?

Bro: Nah, his infernal machine, that “Big Ben” of his, makes him want guys who bully women into putting shit up their ass to get bullied into putting shit up their ass... but really, the diamonddick forgets he has a Turban Dickson Airy
by DiamondDick9 February 15, 2021
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A very small town in the middle of no where. It borders the Pacific Ocean near Guam and Australia. Andy Griffith is from this small town. The teens there find it very fun and yet boring. It is in the spleen of Tennessee. Mount Airy is a great town.
Taylor: "So where ya from?'

Miranda: "Mount Airy, NC. It's in the spleen of TN!!"
by PrinceGotSwag January 8, 2012
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my dick-shun-airie wins!!!my peins feels like its running threw a feild filled with magic and rainbows!!
by kajsa lecker May 8, 2009
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Mount Airy, NC. What a beautiful city, that's if you plan on retiring there. If you're planning to raise children you might as well drive 30 minutes south to winston-salem Where the only thing fun to do for teenagers is go to the mall or for the little kids is Chuck E. Cheese. A town only known for Andy Griffith. No seriously there is nothing else this town has to be proud of, they have a playhouse, a museum and a statue as small as this town in the same vicinity. Oh yeah and the autumn leaves festival, an event that happens every year on the first day of fall on main street where you can't take two steps without bumping into someone else walking in the opposite direction as you. There are barely any black people in this town, the black people here are so close it's basically like they're related. You could literally stand anywhere in town and still see Pilot Mountain.
Person 1: Where are you from?

Person 2: Mt. Airy, NC

Person 1: Where?

Person 2: You know that town Andy Griffith is from?

Person 1: No
by efil4aggiN February 3, 2019
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Mount Airy, NC. What a beautiful city, that's if you plan on retiring there. If you're planning to raise children you might as well drive 30 minutes south to winston-salem Where the only thing fun to do for teenagers is go to the mall or for the little kids is Chuck E. Cheese. A town only known for Andy Griffith. No seriously there is nothing else this town has to be proud of, they have a playhouse, a museum and a statue as small as this town in the same vicinity. Oh yeah and the autumn leaves festival, an event that happens every year on the first day of fall on main street where you can't take two steps without bumping into someone else walking in the opposite direction as you. There are barely any black people in this town, the black people here are so close it's basically like they're related. You could literally stand anywhere in town and still see Pilot Mountain.
Person 1: Where are you from?

Person 2: Mount Airy, NC

Person 1: Where?

Person 2: You know that town Mayberry that Andy Griffith is from?

Person 1: No

Person 2: My point exactly
by efil4aggiN February 3, 2019
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Screwing yourself out of fun things in life because you have become addicted to creating words or pun variations of words online. This usually leads to staying in doors a lot and not getting much fresh air
We realized the severity of his (or her) dict shun airy after finding out they paid the postman to bring he mail into the house, so he would not have to leave the computer and miss out on a possible punny entry.
by Ric April 22, 2003
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Its Arabic for: I want to put you on the tip of my dick

hotak is for a guy

hoteek is for a girl
Arab Pimp: Bitch get over here, Bedi hotak ala ras airy
American Hoe: Yes BaBa
by Rolls A Lot May 5, 2005
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