Someone who can't get the fact that they look stupid trying to be something they're not
The POSER tries to be all hardcore even though with others shes madly in love with rap shit
by Anonymous December 7, 2002
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From "poseur." This usually refers to someone who attempts to be part of a clique punk, skater, goth, etc. - never preppy, but out of a desire to be recognized as a member of that clique rather than sincerity. Of late, however, the word has been overused; any newcomer is now generally considered a "poser," regardless of motive.
This word is especially popular in rambling, misspelled sessions on AIM.
1. "Look at him - he dresses in black and says he's a goth, but he's never even read Edgar Allan Poe. What a poser."
2. "omg u r not punk u preppy POSER!!!!!!!1!!!"
by Charon May 22, 2003
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word used by people who are very insecure in their own social standing; the entire concept of someone being a poser demeans the true concepts of "antisocial" "cultures" that people seem so eager to jump into; often used by people who are not only hypocritical and judgmental, but who also can't spell poseur .
LyK oMgzzzzz yOu'Re suCH a POSER!!!!!1111 i'M WAY punKer than u!!!!!!1111 Lyk lolz!1
by Brilee August 23, 2005
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Someone who dress diffrent then they act and try to fit into a group they don't belong in.
My school is full of retarted wantabe posers.
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A person who calls someone a "poser" when the word that they really mean to use, but are to much of a poseur to realize, is "poseur".
So, I came across these guys online today that where totally thinking they were all punk. I was like, "Have you even heard of the Ramones? Because I'm pretty familiar with their music!" They didn't know what I was talking about!!!! :-o Wow, these guys where SUCH a bunch of posers!
by markdinaz June 1, 2010
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people who think they know crap about stuff but they really don't and it makes them look like idiots.
I'm not mormon and i don't know anything about them, but they are stupid and brainwashed anyway!
by melanie December 2, 2004
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someone who will be someone theyre not just to try to fit in and manipulate people. They pretend to be whatever is 'cool' at the moment than be themselves and who they really are. Then call other people posers to hide the fact they're one.

Posers spend most of their time wasting thier life away on myspace with the rest of the emo losers. They feel special they made friends with some other nobodies who no one even gives a shit about while the real popular people are making friends with known and important people.
sal pretended to like rock just to fit in with goths
sal PRETENDED to have money just to look cool to the people who really DO have money.

What a poor ass poser.
We really live the lifestyle and hes posing to make friends. How pathetic. Stupid Kid.
by Nemss September 2, 2007
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