3 definitions by Brilee

People Eating Tasty Animals; the antithesis of the p.e.t.a (people for the ethical treatment of animals).
People in the p.e.t.a are stupid. Join PETA instead!
by Brilee August 23, 2005
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word used by people who are very insecure in their own social standing; the entire concept of someone being a poser demeans the true concepts of "antisocial" "cultures" that people seem so eager to jump into; often used by people who are not only hypocritical and judgmental, but who also can't spell poseur .
LyK oMgzzzzz yOu'Re suCH a POSER!!!!!1111 i'M WAY punKer than u!!!!!!1111 Lyk lolz!1
by Brilee August 23, 2005
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an overwhelming situation or state of surroundings. Whirlwind (a situational "whirlwind", if you will).
Things were so crazy, it was a madhap.

It's not easy keeping up in the madhap of times.
by Brilee June 16, 2014
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