An addictive site for videos. Nowadays it's clogged up with pointless ads from vevo and mainstream music. By broadcasting videos, people have gained fame that they may or may not deserve. It's still a pretty good site though.
I think I'll go and watch some random videos on youtube.
by Don'tsayIdidn'twarnyou December 18, 2010
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A video sharing website. It was bought by Google in 2006, where it went quickly downhill.

There is almost no free speech in Youtube, they force you into things you don't want, you get idiots bitching at you for an opinion, companies like Viacom and Colgate frequently remove video's that doen't even do anything wrong, etc. It's basically a dictatorship, but it's ONLINE!
What's the similarity between Communism, Nazism and Youtube?

...They're all dictatorships!
by Another Madman August 16, 2009
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A once great website that is dying. A place where you can share your videos and comment on others, it used to be good until it got filled with annoying ads,vevo, copyright and stupid comments that make lame jokes about the dislike bar on a certain video somehow being related to justin biebers penis, these comments mostly end with what is quite possible the most annoying thing ever to be written on a website: thumbs up if you agree. Many comments contain spam such as: the whole Movie can be found on my channel check it out!
Example of lame comment: justin bieber is gay, thumbs up if you agree! xD

Example 2
Man 1: hey did you see that new 50cent music video on YouTube?
Man 2: nah,didnt bother, it was on a vevo page.
by Noclue123 July 13, 2011
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Betcha can't watch just one!
I watched a video of a guys car getting absolutely destroyed by ghost riding it on youtube... I thought I was done until I saw related videos.
by sebastiancee March 19, 2008
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The mythical land of hopes, dreams, dissecting vital organs online, and screaming like a pussy. Commonly known for its ability to give videos more likes and dislikes than views.
"5155 likes, and only 1100 views? How does that work?"

by HellsingDMC November 1, 2014
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Website which allows users to upload their own videos. Also allows users to comment on videos which other users have previously upload. However these comments somehow ALWAYS end in racial arguements.
Example unnecessary, check for self
by Kdotcdotpdot October 2, 2008
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Great website, and deserves it's popularity. You can find practically ANY video you want. Music videos, fights, movie clips, trailers, and the list goes on.

The problem with the site is the many teenage kids pretending to be 30+ trolling videos, and not knowing how to spell or type properly.
- YouTube Music Video-

OptimisticUser12128991228: This video was cool. Thanks for uploading it!

ConstructiveCritic806970: I don't really like music singer, but thanks for uploading anyway.

Dumbass13YearOldTroll: omg u suk so fukin much. u deserv 2 burn in hell. i hate diz video so much, even tho i was moronic enuff 2 serch it on utube!
by Worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd January 31, 2009
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