the bluebooking queen
When I didn't know how to footnote, I asked Virginia
by oliver wendell holmes August 5, 2003
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She was in line at the drugstore buying pads for her virginia.
by EddieC April 27, 2007
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Aunt Flo and Uncle Red are coming down from "Virginia" this week.
by VIrginia3 February 12, 2008
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A formerly southern state that sometimes likes to pretend it still is.

Contains a lot of invented nostalgia felt in a superficial way by people who were never part of the old culture.
Virginia is still a southern state the way a girl who takes it up the ass is still a virgin.
by Sam is a Dick September 20, 2007
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The original title of the 1999 rock hit, “Meet Virginia” as written by Robert Hotchkiss, Pat Monahan and James Stafford of the rock band “Train”. The original lyrics were affectionately written about a Virginia-shaped piece of meatloaf during a serious case of the “munchies” while the band was performing a gig in Richmond. Written as a goof, the melody had such an appealing draw that the band decided to re-title the track to “Meet Virginia” and edit the lyrics to be more abstract and broadly appealing. The meaning behind the song “Meet Virginia” as has been hotly contested with theories of love interests, strippers, and drag queens abounding. Until now, the band has hilariously allowed these theories to promulgate while the original title and meaning of the song has eluded the blogosphere.
Rob: “Meat Virginia! I can't wait to eat Meat Virginia, yeah e yeah hey hey hey
Pat: “Savage”
James: “Love it”
by Darren Besert October 25, 2018
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When you get a blow job from Virginia her teeth are so crooked and sharp they cut ur shit like a cheesesteak and the crud off her teeth oozes off and makes the cheese filling
I stuck my dick into a blender and through in some sharp cheese and it still wasn’t as fucked as her teeth

Nothing’s like a Virginia cheesesteak
by Cheesyps August 29, 2019
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Country roads, take me home
To the place, I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
When someone says “West Virginia” you just break out singing starting atmountain mama
Person: I’ve been to West Virginia-
by AngelDivisaGrace September 18, 2018
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