54 definitions by Sam is a Dick

A Scotsman, so named due to the rural nature of the traditional Scottish economy and the predominance of sheep herding.
That William Wallace was a sheepshagger if ever I saw one.

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? Sheep can hear zippers.
by Sam is a Dick October 24, 2006
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To eat pussy, so called because it smells like tuna.
Baby I wanna take you home and toss the tuna salad all night.
by Sam is a Dick October 31, 2006
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The result of playing too much WoW in a single sitting.

Symptoms include:

Eye strain
Pale comlexion
Cold clammy skin
Weight loss or gain
Unwashed smell
Lack of any kind of social life
I had a WoWverdose over the weekend, I need to detox.
by Sam is a Dick October 10, 2007
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Typically a white person's one black friend, who they are so proud to know and tend to mention as though they won some kind of prize.
We hung out for a while before I realized I was just a trophy minority.
by Sam is a Dick October 25, 2006
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The man who helped birth heavy metal, reshaped the musical landscape of the world, but was too drugged up to notice.

He didn't so much do drugs as majored in them, and got tenure.

And before you click on thumbs down I love the Ozzman and would totally give him my kidneys (he'll probably be needing those soon with everything he's put in his system).
"I've been fakking doing what for the past 40 years? Fakking sweet."
-Ozzy Osbourne
by Sam is a Dick March 26, 2007
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A perjorative towards Republicans in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal.
ReNAMBLAcans is one of the ways the Democrats plan to take the House in 2006.
by Sam is a Dick October 25, 2006
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When a girl gives a guy a small amount of sexual gratification, but withholds the rest until he commits to a relationship.
Last night she gave me the free tour, but I'm definitely gonna subscribe.
by Sam is a Dick November 13, 2006
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