Borat says vagina
"Her vagin began to hang low like a wizards sleeve"
by Dantheaxeman June 13, 2007
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A person formally known as a male but has been vaginised by a woman. When the process of striping a man of his proper level of testosterone is complete.
Bill can't go to the football games anymore because he has been vaginated. His wife has him taking Ball Room dancing lessons instead.
by Spanglerson September 21, 2009
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1. n. Inflammation of the vagina. Also called colpitis.

2. n. not literally referring to a medical ailment, but rather an attitudinal condition in which one is acting like a vagina: usually refers to men taking on female characteristics such as weakness or symptoms resembling those of female P.M.S.
1. I need to go to the gynecologist to see if I have vaginitis

2. a.

Bruce: Ow! I scraped me knee! Ow ow ow!

Steve: Wow, Bruce... how's the vaginitis treating you?

b. Bruce: Will you MOVE?! I feel bloated!!!

Steve: SOMEONE has a severe case of vaginitis...

by Rachel Woodhouse November 30, 2006
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The exent to which an object can be easily and pleasurably inserted into the vagina and used to acheive orgasm.
A dildo is highly vaginable, while a toilet brush is not.
by 4$K1N April 23, 2003
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A person that has not has vaginal intercourse yet, but has had oral/anal sex.
Kids today are stupid vagins, they think they are all pure and shit, but have had oral/anal sex. Stupid vagins.
by vhunterd September 17, 2007
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Something so good or cool that you just want to fuck it.
Commonly shortened to just 'vag'.
Synonyms: Phallic, if you're so inclined.
Damn your car is so vag. I could fuck the tailpipe!

If you could see how vaginal this movie is, you'd cream your pants!
by Neal Conner February 19, 2004
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To vaginally secrete so much that you need four million matresses.
The new Coldplay album makes me vaginate. Can someone get me another mattress?
by Thene June 25, 2005
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