A mediocre actor and all around whack job who enjoys cult activities, and most definitely loves the cock
*insert anything tom cruise has said in the past 9 months here*
by Odium43 May 17, 2006
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the act of manipulation, religious force feeding, and or impregnated and left to be a single parent.

Hey Jennifer!
I heard Kevin Tom Cruised you real, real bad.
Oh well, go change my car oil you cunt
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A person who is thought to be retarded.
Did u know Tom Cruise was "Special"?
by HansGioLoy21 October 3, 2010
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A queer man who practices Scientology and will, in fact, hide in your closet if you say his acting isn't the best. And he won't come out right away.
Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet.
by laureenoluv March 25, 2010
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A honkey who eats placenta, believes in Scientology, listens to trance, jumps on couches, is a Hollywood actor, likes art and architecture, plays soccer, drives a Hyundai, and is unathletic because he is white.
by J-Smoove May 23, 2006
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A combination of vacation and convention at sea aboard a luxury oceanliner where all of the on-board tourists are either Scientologists, closet homosexuals, or adoring fans of the actor with the same name.
Erick chose to attend the "How to Marry a Beard" symposium on the annual Tom Cruise and also signed up for other seminar topics such as "Discrediting Psychiatry", "Artificial Insemination for the Squeamish", "Kissing Nicole Kidman: Just Close Your Eyes and Think of Gomer Pyle", "Repeat After Me: This is Not a Cult. This is Not a Cult. This is Not a Cult.", and "Jerry McGuire: Sports Agent or Locker Room Meat Inspector?".

As the date of the annual Tom Cruise draws near, The Beckham's vibrate with excitement, as do assorted AC/DC types, and "Top Gun" freaks.

It's a fact: No citizen of Germany has ever sailed on a Tom Cruise.
by Buzz Writeyear January 26, 2008
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