A perfectly flawless system of government regulation that consists of only the greatest minds ever to walk this planet.

See also sarcasm.
"Congress rules!" exclaimed the anarchist-who-rebelled-against-anarchy.
by Seph Hexen April 13, 2005
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really dont have any power. just created to create the illusion that ppl have a say in the government.
Executive Branch Military and Corporations run every country not only USA
by Dong Woo November 13, 2004
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The opposite of progress; being idle or moving backwards, toward a less developed state.
Thanks to our politicians, we have had mostly congress on ending global warming; there has been little progress.
by smjgJsbjgsm November 3, 2018
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the oposite of progress
pro is the opposite of con
by Pogglemort January 5, 2005
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Pro is the opposite of con, right? So, what's the opposite of progress?

The Defense of Marriage Act. <-- Opposite of Progress
by butch_lebeau November 2, 2004
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As a verb: to deny, deny, deny.
You're the one who broke the window? If someone asks you, just go congress on that.
by Jon Ungaro September 15, 2006
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The act of lifting and holding a chick (usually shorter than you for height difference) off the ground while banging. Said female has her legs and arms wrapped around you, so she doesn't fall, and the male usually has her pinned to a wall for support.
by Leah1234 September 24, 2011
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