Verb. Randomly and/or thoughtlessly mouse-clicking on anything and everything within a certain field, with a view to either producing a desired result, or just to maintain a certain level of interest. Esp. trying to progress through or maintain enjoyment of an adventure game by randomly clicking on any and all hot spots in the environment, rather than applying considered, logical thought.

Clicking on hot spots, hypertext or hyperlinks at random so as to produce a new or desired result.
When he caught himself thrashing he realised it was time to turn the game off and get some sleep.

No matter how much he thrashed he couldn't solve the puzzle.

"Stop thrashing" she said, "it won't get you any further through the game".
by C.K. Nahhas January 13, 2007
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"It is all about the thrash", and the thrash was officially on. Out to the garage, refreshing adult beverages in hand and a spring in my step. I sez to my gal, "Pinky, gonna be busy for a while."
by Augusto December 2, 2007
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to eat; tear through
i could totally thrash this whole piece of cake
by Danielle August 24, 2004
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A female that has attracted the attention of male peers via sexual attractiveness. Said female is more desirable than the comparable "Cum Dumpster" and "Slam Piece". Rather, the hotness of the Thrash Meat is so intense that men fantasize about beating the female senseless with their genitals.
Picture that Thrash Meat as a punching bag and my Penis is Muhammed Ali... I would OBLITERATE THAT SHIT
by DV Legends January 13, 2011
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A fucking awesome subgenre of heavy metal music, one of the extreme metal subgenres that is characterised by high speed riffing and aggression.
Thrash metal songs typically use fast, percussive and low-register guitar riffs, overlaid with shredding-style lead work.

Possibly the four biggest bands in the Thrash Metal genre include: Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, and Anthrax.

Thrash guitar solos are almost exclusively played at high speed, as they are usually characterized by shredding, and use techniques such as sweep picking, legato phrasing, alternate picking, string skipping, and two-hand tapping. Thrash lead guitarists are rooted in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement.

The speed and pacing of the songs is what defines thrash metal. The music tends to have a visceral, propellant feel to it due to its drumming style, most commonly utilizing the snare drum on the 1/2 beat, or the 2nd and 4th beats of the measure. Frantic bass drum use is also common. Thrash drummers often use two bass drums. Some thrash drummers are revered as some of the "best drummers in rock music".
Most famous thrash metal bands: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax.
by Leannee(: August 7, 2008
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A subgenre of metal music, considered by many to be the original extreme metal genre. It essentially began as a derivative of speed metal, played by bands like Motorhead and Overkill. Thrash metal took the high speed aspect of such bands, and added NWOBHM influenced melodies, and more progressive elements to the music.

Thrash metal's origins trace back to the early 1980's, and San Fransisco is considered the birthplace of most of the thrash greats. Thrash metal bands include Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, etc. It has proved to be very influential to almost every metal style that has come about since it's inception, and has experienced somewhat of a popularity revival in recent years.
Dude 1: *Slayer playing in the background* Man, Thrash metal fucking owns! what the hell happened to bands like this?

Dude 2: Uh, I'm going to go see Megadeth in 2 weeks..

Dude 1: ...You bastard!
by FlightofIcarus April 10, 2010
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