It's the diseases that the boys have .. It's a mixture of stds , bad kissing skills , small dicks and a bit of asshole syndrome with a touch of douche all rolled into one . It is rife throughout the Durban area and many other costal areas
"Would you go home with him?" "eww no he has airborne seaweed herpes"
by bum :p November 20, 2014
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Is a person with big curly hair, usually out of control and pertaining more than just one color.
" I hate sitting behind her. I cannot see the board past her big seaweed afro head."

" Let's just hide the blunt in her seaweed afro head. They would never be able to find it."
by JULIAGULIA92 November 15, 2011
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Wrapping your girl entirely in seaweed, except her pussy and fucking her.
Yesterday my girlfriend became a Japanese Seaweed Monster
by anuslasgna April 10, 2015
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A phrase used by ghetto junkies usually when they need a break to consume some cocaine by rolling a paper and snorting it.
Gareth: Ayo bruv das some lit ass shit you sayin.
Nick: Ye ye das some good stuff I know holmes. Ayo listen Imma go and roll the seaweed you dig?
Gareth: Gotchu lil bro, go pleasure your self
by deathcop4000 June 5, 2018
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a person, or group of people, that doesn't do anything, they just stand and stare/judge at people, normally have a small attention span and low IQ, their body language resembles seaweed, swaying and not doing anything
Person 1: "Ugh, do you see all those people staring at us? It makes me so uncomfortable, all they do is judge"

Person 2: "Just ignore them, they are a bunch of seaweed(s) that won't go anywhere in life."
by thebrunette October 14, 2015
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50% sea
30% disgusting
"look at that seaweed! It looks like sea and weed!"
by platypusthegod March 8, 2023
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Spongebob: Hey Patrick, wanna get high on seaweed?
Patrick: I sure do!
Squidward: Why does it smell like seaweed around here?!
by 32500 September 3, 2021
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