A style of singing involving quickly delivered nonsensical words...contrary to popular ignorance, this singing style did NOT originate with Scatman John! Does the name
Louis Armstrong mean NOTHING to you uncultured Abercrombie Philistines?!? LISTEN TO SATCHMO!!!!!!!
"Skoo va da bi do bi de doh boh ba dee day!" the jazzman scat-sang.
by Petus October 31, 2005
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Unintelligible verbal utterances placed in time to music.
Have you heard "Scatman" by Scatman Jack? He's scatting all over the place!
by The Grammar Nazi October 25, 2001
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1)abbreviation of scatophagy, meaning the consumption of excrement.
2) Defecation or faeces.
3) Substitute for the word shit

and 4)
Scat was invented by the late Louis Armstrong on the fly during a performance. While singing, his music stand tipped over, dumping his music sheets. He improvised lyrics while an assistant picked up the sheets while he was performing. Scat was first seen in Jazz, and branched out from there. It now hsa uses as varied as one can imagine, often used for filler in a song when words are not necessary, but allow the singer to show their talent with their voice.
That set of skat you laid down on this track is tight!
by Xenocore March 6, 2005
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A form of music where a singer is rapping or singing very quickly, usually non-existent words or words in a sequence that make no sense. One of the most famous scat performers is Scatman John.
"Everybody stutters one way or the other, so check out my message to you.
As a matter of fact you don't let nothin' hold you back 'cause if Scatman can do it, so can you."
-Scatman John
by Nin10doh July 1, 2009
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turd, often over a partners face
by Dave December 12, 2003
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a scat is a shit. U can have scat luv, which is just shit luv. Like wen u lay a brick on sum1's chest n rub it in(as dean would know). You can also hav scat colored skin Ken.
Dean - This is a well sick party
Georgie - Can i scat on you on doms bed
Dean - Orrrr yeh rub it in all over the walls n curtains n my face and i will eat sum for £20.
by DOMGORMAN May 13, 2006
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