
by Anonymous March 22, 2003
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To chow down on large amounts of big, hot, shit.
Sir Jerald looked over to Lady Penelope and gave her a sly wink. "You're really going to love this next course," he said in a hushed whisper full of promise. The servent bought a steaming dinner plate to the table and lifted the silver cover. Lady Penelope's eyes lit up with delight and she blushed furiously at Sir Jerald. "My favourite!" she exclaimed and cut deeply into the big fat pile of shit that had oozed out of Geralds asshole not half an hour ago.
by Kkussler June 30, 2003
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a form of extremely fast rapping. words sang usually have no meaning.
Ski ba ba ba do bop

I'm a scatman!

-Scatman John
by blazefast September 1, 2004
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the day after taking copious ammounts of narcotics when it impossible to string a coherant sentence together.
"good chops, last night last night was off.....

fuck im scat"
by gesoijfsdiog October 3, 2006
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1)abbreviation of scatophagy, meaning the consumption of excrement.
2) Defecation or faeces.
3) Substitute for the word shit
1) Don't do that scat here.
2) I need to take a scat.
3) Oh scat!! That must've hurt.
by Chang Wang November 4, 2003
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shit, human feces, eaten from one's ass..usually in scat play and other sexually related pratices
I ate scat directly from Cindy as she squatted over my face and let it out
by Gary February 6, 2005
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The only thing that turns normal people on, next to vomit and sticking an arm up a mare's rectum.
i like me some crispy corn nuggets. Scat is the SHIT.
by runpoochrun November 3, 2011
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