When you eat spicy food and later when you shit your asshole burns.
" I love these hot wings, but I'll pay for it later when I have the brown ring of fire."
by Tuckir December 29, 2016
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The morning after eating a vindaloo, when sitting on the toilet trying to dispose of it through the other end, the sensation caused is an extreme burning otherwise known as Burning Ring Of Fire
Man 1 " I need a shit but its gonna burn like fuck"

Man 2 " Your gonna Have A burning ring of fire you poor bastard"
by Yunga B February 20, 2009
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a while after you eat spicy foods (i.e. hot wings), you shit and it burns out your asshole, leaving a ring that burns for hours after
"Don't eat chili peppers out of donald's mom's pussy, it'll give you a ring o' fire!"
by markey doyle cullen May 15, 2003
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A shitty ultimate team disgracing the Triangle of NC.
No bigger punks & losers exist than those Ring of Fire boys.
by sotg March 10, 2006
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The sensation experienced in the anal region after eating a habanero.
After eating the habanero tacos, my ass felt like a burning ring of fire.
by Led Zeppole October 4, 2003
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When you're out in the hot dry desert of Death Valley giving your girl extreme anal and the friction ignites the ring of hair surrounding her butthole. You continue to fuck, lighting your own pubes on fire, then at the point of climax you pull out and shoot into the ring of fire that is her anal orifice, all the while screaming hocus pocas
Dude I experienced the California ring of fire for the first time yesterday!
by Queefstain June 26, 2017
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An act performed by members of Maidstone Grammar School in the science department in which someone takes a Bunsen Burner and shoves it into their anal cavity, turns it to roaring mode and melts the area. Is usually performed in room 69.
Louis tried the Maidstonian Ring of Fire and he hasn't been able to walk properly since!
by stevendawson August 11, 2021
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