creating an utter mess, fuck up totally, total chaos
He got an accident and brexitted his car.
After the party her bathroom was a total brexit.
by runlevel0 June 28, 2016
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Colloquial London - A small minded rural person who is slightly racist , short sighted and nervously insular.
Don't be so stupid you Brexiter!
Nigel Farage is a Brexiter Fucked
Stupid Brexiters have fucked it up for everyone else.
Don't be such a Brexiter, that would be the dummest way of going about it
by \Mrcodm June 24, 2016
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To say bye but not leave
A: Ok, Aaron, see you.
B: Alright bye! *stays*
A: Aaron, you're brexiting.
by subjekt 18 March 30, 2019
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Telling your boys you’ll leave after this round of money up but then you continue to play after the round is done.
G no.1: I swear you said was cutting?
G no.2: I think he’s brexiting bro.
by Trillface March 30, 2019
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A neurological condition whereby the patient's real personality is suddenly revealed by their simple loss of ability to accept views different to their own, Leave or Remain, to the point at which they suspend all respect for others and then enter into raised levels of judgement and hatred creating social division.

Signs include excess heat, hot sunken eyes, redness, finger poking, increased volume, pronounced veins, general appearance of shitty indignation and judgemental and personal posting on social media including memes that are borderline legal.

Brexititis can be highly contagious in closed circles such as pubs, market stalls, farms, small businesses, school staff rooms and hospitals and is more prevalent among people aged 30+. Bed rest is the only cure - hence young people tend never to catch it in the first place.
They were having a stimulating conversation and then someone said, "What do you reckon to the referendum?". Immigration was then discussed whereupon several people exhibited an episode of Brexititis.
by Brucester July 2, 2016
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When a person asks to join a house-party and while getting drunk starts to abuse the host and other guests, throw up on the carpet in a bedroom, calls the host's wife a ugly fat c***, in the end sits down in the hallway and declines to leave the house.
Sasha came to our party last night but he was brexit -ing and had to literally kick him out from the house!
by Ratatui January 28, 2019
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When, in mid-conversation, many English people just inexplicably decide to wander off, while any normal person would at least offer a 'BRB' of some kind. They tend to be gone for a long time, possibly even all day long, and when they get back act like they never left.
"So, Ashley, how was brexit?" "Huh?"
by CJCsomething April 25, 2018
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