Tip-Wet...TW refers to the process of a male trying to have sex with a female. In general, he's trying to get his tip wet. Tip refering to the tip of his penis.
Jim met rachel at a party. He tried to get that TW.
by Jason Uliski September 26, 2007
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"The bitch I work with is a TW!"
"Did you see what TW is wearing today? It's a shirt, not a dress...what a TW"
by Danger (my middle name) September 2, 2008
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An idiot who tweets too much, esp. a prominent idiot
Donald is the perfect example of a modern-day tw@
by Eulstachius July 18, 2018
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Acyroynm for texting while stabbing

Stabbing is a metaphor for inserting your penis into a vagina. Your penis is the knife and the vagina is whatever is getting stabbed.
Right now I am TWS.

Right now i am texting while stabbing
by tws1234 January 21, 2011
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A taiwaneese person.
That fucking TW stole my kill
by Jack February 23, 2005
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It Means tiny weenie.
its what you call people witha small penis
by tomathy January 5, 2005
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Twat Waffle. A stupid person. A clumsy person. An idiot. Anyone that's not normal.
I can't believe Destinee broke her phone. She's such a TW.
by AWaveOfDave May 24, 2017
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