A large brick with hair sometimes mistaken for a meatball
Cause she’s a Stella
by Chipsnoviniger July 11, 2018
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Stella is a name for a beautiful but bossy tortoiseshell cat. She'll love you from afar and occasionally poop on the arm of your chair.
That beautiful cat just pooped on my chair! It's ok, she's Stella.
by GangSisLove June 2, 2017
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a crowd pleaser, extremely funny and can make you laugh all the time! Guys fall madly in love with her ;) get yourself a stella !!
that girl we all fight over is a stella 😩
by purplegiraffe16 July 3, 2019
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An underground critically-acclaimed cult comedy troupe consisting of Michael Ian Black, David Wain, and Michael Showalter. They now have a show on Comedy Central which isn't as good as their original Stella shorts, but is still really hilarious. "Who's Marcus? Who the FUCK is Marcus?"
Stella shorts are awesome, and you can new jack swing from my nuts.
by New Jack Swing October 8, 2005
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a very beautiful, down to earth, likeable girl. she always has a huge smile on her face and it tends to spread. she makes everyone laugh and can lighten any situation. all the boys are all over her, and she falls in love easily. she thinks she isnt likeable, which is untrue. she has a great body and a cute face. she likes not wearing make-up, but she’s always dressed to impress.
“man, i’m suuuper into stella
“not surprising, they guys are always on her!”
by ppboy:) February 20, 2019
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Stella is the most beautiful person you will ever meet. She is hilarious and never fails to make people laugh. Shes been through a lot and commonly makes joke about the things shes been through. She stays strong through everything and shes a supportive, caring friend. Now as a girlfriend, she is caring and she loves physical touch. Make sure to always reassure her and check up on her because she tends to keep to herself. But overall, you should always love a Stella. SHE ALSO HAS THE PRETTIEST SMILE EVER
Girl - "Oh is that Stella, shes so pretty"

Boy - "I know right! I wish she was my girlfriend."
by abbykadaby November 2, 2022
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The kindest of people, their smile brightens everyone's day and their cheerful personality just makes people fall under their charm.
A: Look! It's Stella
B: What a lovely person, they're amazing!
by Anonymously_Anonymous August 25, 2021
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