Verb. To Stan.

The act of being a complete asshole to somebody for no reason whatsoever.
Ed: "Dude, did you know he just gave our cousin a copy of Office Space and called it "a gift to their family?" even when he didn't get anyone else a gift for Christmas?

Jeff: "Yeah, he totally Stan'd us."
by Jim Boeheim April 27, 2008
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a very very creative person who has ideas come out of nowhere usually within a time limit of five minutes
that guy is soo creative he has to be a stan
by reumatismguy March 14, 2018
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A short & common term used for Eminem fans. The term has been taken from the song "Stan" by Eminem.
Random person- Cool Eminem t-shirt, you got there.

Stan- of course, I'm a Stan
by Scorpio_Rishi May 13, 2014
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If you are hanging out with some Gen-Z'rs and you want to sound hip, you could say:
"Hey, you guys want to Stan some weed? This bud shifts!"
by Natsune June 25, 2021
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