Similar to A.D.D., start one task, conversation, or thought, then randomly switching to another, repeatedly.
I went to clean the bedroom. Then I found a usb drive in a pile of clothes. I went on my computer and squirreled for an hour looking through it and totally forgot about cleaning.
by LilMilo August 24, 2011
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wear you rap you penis around ur balls, into the shape of a squirrel...invited by chance mcgrath
yo chance stop doing the squirrel, i'm trying to masterbate to the pictures of your mom
by Lil Schmidt ft Big G June 17, 2006
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word used to inform a bro of the presence of a hot girl who's close by without saying terms like "that chick" or "cute girl" that get her attention and turn her off to you.
Dude 1: Bro. Squirrel. Twelve o' clock.

*Hottie walks by unknowingly being checked out*

Dude 2: Hell yeah!
by Tehsmexynest April 17, 2011
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when you post in a forum and notice after your submission that someone has been faster than you and squeezed in just above your reply
(edit: damn, got squirreled again by IwasFaster123)
by Cruncher February 9, 2006
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a code name for a girl youve just "called" or targeted for yourself
"see her? squirrel!

...thats my squirrel."


"hey man that was my squirrel you just hit on"
by henryyyzie September 9, 2007
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Nature's little terrorists- like shutting down power by suicide bombing the power lines and making nests so that cars won't start. in russia, there is a little town being overrun by squirrels as two large dogs and a baby have already been eaten by them. usually three types- grey, red fox, albino, black, and flying. natural habitats- forests and on the side of the road.
Those damn squirrels just shut our power off again! i swear those little terrorists are overruning our city!
by TerroristSquirrel January 12, 2010
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Quite possibly the most evil animals on earth. Behind their cute, adorable facade lies an evil beast waiting to destroy us all. The most evil ones are the Black Canadian variety.
One day walking through the woods, some squirrels decided to attack me, but I managed to fend them off with a near-by branch.
by Justin Thorson September 30, 2008
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