When you see someone in profile and you think that he/she is attractive, but then they face you and you realize that they're in fact, a total beast.
Dean: Oh my god, did you see that hott chick?
Todd: That's what I thought too, until I saw her from the front. Then I was scarred for life, she was a total sidewinder.
by Elib November 25, 2006
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When a previously straight dick has been broken during violent intercourse and now has become bent. The recipient lays on her back while the guy with the broken dick lays on his side and performs sideways thrusts into her vagina.
"Dude that bitch fucked my cock up so bad last night all I'm gonna be able to do from now on is the sidewinder"
by Dmay27 April 12, 2010
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One of the greatest pitchers of the early 1900s. Born in Brownsville, Arkansas this hefty thick thighed left hander amassed over 342 wins in his career while striking out 2,231. Known for his infamous “sidewinding” technique, Mr. Joseph also saw success off the field as well taking home an astounding 14,532 women during his playing days. Learning to pitch from his father who was a horrible alcoholic and goat farmer, Joseph was able to use the beatings given by his father to strengthen his core thus giving him a competitive advantage. Dying of untreated Gonorrhea in 1932 Joseph’s legacy still lives on today throughout the deep southern lands of this great country.
Waylan: Who’s your favorite ball player Bucky?

Bucky: Sidewinder Joseph. He loves women more than ball playin’ but that’s alright.
by Leland Bruce February 5, 2023
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A move used to passive-aggressively walk past a group of slow walking teenage girls. If you are stuck in a hall, and a group of girls is walking slowly in a wall formation, walk faster, and squeeze through them, making your annoyance known.
Tennage girls: *walking in a wall* Omg did you see Ashlee’s shorts yesterday? I am so litterally dead. I’m screaming

Person: *Bulgarian sidewinder*
by ShospleColupis January 20, 2018
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When you are performing the act of Doggie Style, the man "finishes" and as the women sits up, the man runs up from behind and slaps her around the face with the penis while ejaculating in her eye replicating snake's venom.
Guy 1: "So how's your girlfriends eye?"

Guy 2: "You mean after I gave her that bitchin' Australian Sidewinder!?"
by JerkinMcGurkin January 1, 2010
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First pour hot Starbucks coffee into a womens vagina then add your favorite brand of sugar. You then precede to fuck her until you both add your own special cremes. Semen vaginal secretions. Pour into a mug and enjoy!
Its so cold out, i wish we could make some Seattle Sidewinders to keep us warm.
by The Commodores December 25, 2009
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