a woman is simultaneously a victim and empowered, until something happens. Then she chooses which state benefits her the most.
A man: ''I love cooking, and my wife has a great business that provides for a family!''
Schrödinger's feminism woman: ''No man ever deserves this!!!!''
by JoeyJaggle May 20, 2022
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The philosophical thought exercise used by men and women, waiting for a text that states "If you turn your phone off the text is both received and not received untill you turn it back on and see". This thought exercise is exceptionally useful when you are waiting and obsessing over a text.
Person 1 "hey aren't you waiting on a text? Why is your phone off"

Person 2 "schrödinger's text. If I have my phone off I don't know if that hot girl in chem class replied to my dinner invite and as a result I can't worry about not getting a reply."

Person 1 " wow just grow a pair"
by ShepherdSaint November 6, 2017
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A person who claims to be a practicing muslim but eats pork (claims it's just bits), has sex, and does drugs. He is the man in the high tower that looks down at others for not adhering to his own moral values. It's also easy for him to repent and pray for forgiveness because he -unlike others- will always find his way back to Allah.
Man, that dude Toufic is such a Schrödinger's Muslim. He did MDMA last week and had crazy sex but has the balls to lecture me about stealing a plant.
by ksalam January 10, 2021
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Schrödinger's feminism is a type of feminism that has a hypocritical double standard. In it, anything in the world where men have dominance is declared proof of an oppressive tyrannical patriarchy, whereas places where women have dominance (education) is seen as proof that men are inferior. Likewise, men's failures are laughed at while women's successes are applauded. Men's struggles are dismissed as their own fault or even something they deserve. Male led societies are evil while female led societies are justified. Notable purveyors of this ideology include Liza Mundy and Hanna Rosin, and to a small extent also Elizabeth Badinter.
Friend 1: I really feel like my gender studies class is super biased. They claim that men running things is evil but at the same time if women were atop the hierarchy it would be justified when things are reversed.

Friend 2: Schrödinger's feminism is basically what your gender studies class is indoctrinating you guys with. It's hypocrisy at the highest level.
by PeterGriffindorVoxMan July 12, 2023
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An unfollowed link or unopened e-mail attachment that may or may not be porn. The only way to find out is to follow the link or open the attachment.
"That girl from the bar last night sent me some mpegs of her stripping." "Have you watched them yet?" "No, it's still Schrödinger's porn. For all I know it could just be a rickroll."
by snobiwan November 4, 2009
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Someone who decides if their previous statement was a joke or not depending on people's reaction.
If it is recieved positively, they will not call it a joke and simply keep going.
If it is recieved negatively, they will try to gaslight people into believing that the statement is a joke and put down those who try to call them out.
before any reaction however, they are in a superstate of joking and not joking. Hence, the Schrödinger's Cat refference.
Douchebag: "I hate minorities"
Person 1: "woah wth dude?"
Douchebag: "I was joking why are you being so sensitive?
Person 1: "Schrödinger's Douchebag much?"
Douchebag: "I hate minorities"
Person 2: "I agree"
Douchebag, to themself: "I love being a Schrödinger's douchebag"
by Bro💀💀💀 July 1, 2022
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A conservative that is in support of and encourages state/political/hateful violence but, after such violence occurs, claims that it was done by BLM, Antifa, and the overall left.
Conservative: “The storming of the Capitol is the voice of the unheard! Civil war, now!”

*literally the next day*

Conservative: “Antifa posed as Trump supporters and staged the attack!”
Person: “Christ, man, you’re Schrödinger’s Conservative or some shit.”
by Necrodancy January 10, 2021
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