v. To commit to something with no intention of following through with it.
Bryan was supposed to meet up for a drink, but he pulled a rusty.
by Xisko June 19, 2009
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a crazy-ass puppy/attack dog who i love very much
yup, Rusty is my dog and he would defend me with his life. he is the awesomest!!!
by Laura Samsel March 29, 2004
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An insult to a person who enjoys listening to "metal" music that involves pigsqueals, screaming, blast beats, and low tuned instruments. It is common for a Rustie to have large gauges, tattoos, and can easily be confused with someone from an Emo party.
by oVendettAo January 2, 2011
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A "big-boned" person who likes to eat KFC all the time and have multiple chins. Also likes to suck the boaby and lollypops. Likes fish and prawns. Also is a big rpg fan and plays wow a lot and spends more time playing that than dressing up as his girlfriend.

Also a character in the "Ocean" film series.
Fred - "Oh look, theres Rusty, plodding along"

Jim - "Think we could push him up the stairs?"

Fred - "I dunno, he might flatten us"
by cc2k February 16, 2010
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a little bitch who is sexist, racist, homophobe and an all around asshole
by sharpcheddaraddict August 11, 2019
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When you accidently pleasure / wank off a dog when playing with it.
Aw man, he just did a rusty on that poor thing.
by BrandonksGirl August 18, 2018
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an ugly girl who shops at good will and makes her make up out of rust
Did you see kourtney today? She looked so rusty!! She looks like a horse!!
by Mole September 23, 2003
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