Describes obvious/readily-apparent evidence that you misbehaved in some way when installing/upgrading the vertical boards at the edge of a roof.
If the vertical boards at the edge of a roof have excessively/prematurely rotted or loosened, that's considered prima fascia evidence that the carpenter did shoddy work.
by QuacksO June 26, 2019
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The Pope is the prima dogma of Catholicism
Mohammed is the prima dogma of Islam
Buddha is the prima dogma of Buddhism
by Wally Keeler February 8, 2009
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An adolescent girl, who after getting caught shoplifting at Nordstrom's throws a temper tantrum. As the police drag this prima drama away in handcuffs, she cries, "It's not fair! I was almost out the door."
by JoeBruin88 January 16, 2009
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Pronounced "preemah doo-chay".

When you go to drop a duece in a public or work toilet and discover that you are the first to use that toilet since it was last cleaned giving you a relatively germ, detritus, and smell free experience.
"I always get to work early so I can score the prima duece before <insert stinky co-worker here> defiles HCS"
by BlancoGrande March 9, 2010
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Someone who thinks that they are the shit. And to some extent, they are. A true prima douche will not do this without reason, however. They will have the talent, and at least as much ego

Their success has gone to their head, and if they weren't their own biggest promoter before, they are now. See most bands' frontmen, and Kanye West.
Becoming a meme could be the best thing to ever happen to Kanye's career. All because he is a prima douche.
by SoulStealinGinger October 18, 2010
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