A gay threesome. PB&J meaning Penis, Butt, and Jizz.

Also an overrated sandwich that is easily outclassed by lunchmeat.
John put the P in Tim's B, and Dave started to J all over them, completing the PB&J sandwich.
by DildoOfDarkness January 29, 2016
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When a girl wipes after pooping while on her period resulting in a red and brown “pb&j wipe”
It’s oddly satisfying to get a pb&j wipe while on my period.
by WaywardPrincess May 23, 2019
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Term used to describe any Fox body Mustang including SN-95 and SN-95 New Edge cars. Called PB&J because they're easy and relatively inexpensive to build. Also called PB&J because they are so common.
What up dog, you takin' the PB&J out to the track tonight?
by dryhump April 29, 2008
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When a girl has diarrhea on her period. It is the period shits.
Girl 1: girl I just had the biggest PB&J poop!
Girl 2: ewww, same.
by Crentist2025 August 8, 2021
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When you take a shit in your girlfriend's vagina during her period.
I love it when a guy gives me a good old fashioned PB&J.
by Xander Mander October 29, 2007
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The act of dipping one`s testicles in jelly, and dipping one`s penis in peanut butter ( or vice versa), and receiving a blowjob involving one`s testicles and penis at the same time.
I got my girlfriend to give me a Dirty PB+J for lunch.
by I'm Jick Rames Bitch! June 7, 2011
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When a women sticks the index finger in the poop chute and middle finger of the same hand in the pussy during menses and then proceeds to wipe both fingers under the nose of their lover.
Scotty kept trying to fuck me during my period, so I gave him a Dirty PB & J while he slept.
by PI Pat & Sweet Ape October 19, 2007
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