word for cool, because cool is so dead that its bloody corpse has filed complaints
that corpse metaphor was not witty or lush.
by kae222 July 1, 2004
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A word to express an emotion between like and love. For use when the relationship has moved past like, but still isn't quite at love.
A combination of crush + love = lush
I lush you.
Becky and Tim have been going out for a while. They are now in the lush-stage
by Secret Cupid Saturday April 22, 2012
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a word used for something extremly cool
'that jump was lush'
by george January 10, 2005
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A person (generally under 21) who is prone to excessive drinking
"That girl is such a lush"
by satan July 24, 2004
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A drunken womanizer/manizer (yes, they exist).
Tyrion Lannister is a bit a lush, but we don't hold that against him.
by pokettomonsuta June 6, 2019
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one who engages in excessive drinking, and usually isn't of age to drink
by Professor August 1, 2004
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1. One who enjoys having a good time.
2. A state of being where one is enjoying themselves.
1. He was known as a lush because of his love for life and his want to always have a good time.

2. She felt very lush sitting on her front porch with a cigar in one hand and a drink in the other, passing the time with a close friend.
by kobby3 July 14, 2009
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