a person from hispanic descent. may be mildly crazy. or extremely crazy, if you come across a mildly crazy latina your lucky. will cut a bitch for messing with her man. extremely loyal and are usually good cooks. most latinas are super sexy with hips and a big butt.
I can’t belive your dating a latina, don’t cheat on her!”
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sexiest gurls from south and north/caribbean america gringos no nothing about us we come in all shapes and sizes from white,tan,black blonde hair to usally black hair are asses are fine niggs and caucasians wana fuck us asians hav to much of smalls balls to imagine fucking us we speak spanish but are ancestors are of indian european and african culture if theres a chance we be all those mixes no ladies can be finer then us get ur fact straight we aint all brown but we all are fine ;)
bob: fuck man thats a latina shes gotta a fine ass
jamal:fuck no ugly ass american gurls that fine
by Rominasexyspician October 6, 2005
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They finest type of girls in the world!From the way they walk,talk,dress,act,w/e!they look good.I'm black and race dont matter to me in a girl,but I perfer latinas!It's not either tits or ass in a latina,they have both!They're personallity's make them 10 times sexier.9/10 latina girls you pick out will be fine as hell.Yea you can get all technical and shit and say this country isn't hispanic or whateva,but IDC!
Not to mention they food is the shit!(I have dominicans and pr's in my family)
I'd take a plate of rice and beans,(sweet)plantains,any type of meat,and a coco rico.
A plate of collards,fried chicken,cornbread,and kool-aid
ANY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only downside of latina's is that some of them be hairy as hell!!
"ayo Nic,go slap that girls ass!"
"You crazy?she's a latina,she gon slap me back!!"
by Truth904 June 22, 2006
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A lady with Hispanic roots. They can look either fine, good, cute, beautiful or sexy. They have a chance to become the most beautiful human creatures on this planet.
He began to get himself ready, and as he sat in his chair, the latina came out in her sexy lingerie. He was ready to have the best night of his life.
by morpho breaker March 21, 2004
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A female from Latin America.

I'm latina, from the Dominican Republic, and I will break the stereotypical latina in a few seconds.

I have no curves, I'm light, light skinned, no gluteus maximus, small breasts, very thin and short, and yes, I know how to spell grammar correctly.

Sorry guys, but please take your unwanted stereotypes somewhere else. Just like there are white girls that can dance, there are latina girls with no ass. Yup, yup. We're not all "easy", we all won't have kids by the time we reach the age of 16, and we all don't wear huge, gold tacky earrings/hoops.
Soy Latina, y tengo mucho orgullo.
by Santana June 21, 2006
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A rude, preppy girl that can be quite annoying.
Dimitri: Hey dana, what's up?

Dana(Latina): Shut up you cock, you don't even have permission to talk to me, you talk too much, god..
by CaptainWhiteyBoy December 12, 2006
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