The mouth of a person angrily defending their privilege.
Shut your Kavanaugh! You're not a victim just because she said no!
by Siegfried McClure October 11, 2018
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The act of unveiling one's penis and thrusting the phallus unexpectedly, and undesirably, in close proximity to the face of an intoxicated peer, with sexual intent.
Yo dawg, when I was a freshman I straight up kavanaugh'd this girl! I tried to do it my senior year of high school too but my bro came in. Glad I got the full college experience tho.
by Meme-man2000 September 24, 2018
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cold beer, consumed rapidly
Hey, bro, lets grab a case of kavanaughs, pick up Christine, and make friends with the PGA golfers at the club!
by Political Operative October 7, 2018
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To get locked in a room and groped with a hand over your mouth.
Shut your mouth bitch, before you get Kavanaughed.
by Braintank October 5, 2018
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To be on the recieving end of drunken sexual misconduct and/or assault.
The party was ruined for Mindy after Bobby Kavanaughed her.
by JimmyRussells October 6, 2018
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(verb) To get blackout drunk and show your genitals to the entire party or an individual.
Brett: Dude, what happened last night?
Mark: You drank a whole case of beer and totally Kavanaughed Christine.
by BoBeau70 September 26, 2018
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Assuming that you will get away with sexual assault because your a white privileged, beer guzzling, Yale graduate, male judge.
After a night of bofing she claimed rape. I was Kavanaughed, therefore, all charges were immediately dropped by the GOP.
by TWSYF October 1, 2018
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