The worthless generation born after 1982 also known as "echo boomers' and "gen Y". Their mommies had their juiceboxes and snacks ready for them after every soccer game and thus they're known as Generation Juicebox. They're easily spotted as they have the lifeless, lazy, everything bores me look in their eyes.
Man, I hope Al Qaeda doesn't start WWIII, generation juicebox will get us all killed!
by JohnnyOC August 7, 2006
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An endearing term for a friend one has had since the formative years; someone one may have shared a moment while each enjoyed a juicebox, such as during their preschool snack, or perhaps while on a play date.
Man, my boy Olin and I are straight juicebox motherfuckers. Been sippin' grape flavored drinks since the day that poop was the worst word on the list.
by JohnSerious March 6, 2012
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a glorified kid, usually under the age of 13.
(origin-little kids drink from juiceboxes.)
A kid is at the playground and can push the tire swing harder than the other kids and run the fastest, throw the ball the hardest, etc. He/she is a juicebox hero.
by amityvillehorror August 2, 2009
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The act of punching a straw through a fifth of alcohol and sipping it as if it were a juice box. Works best if the adult has childlike mentality and a casual drinking problem.
Feeling left out of the children's table as they all got juiceboxes, Nick proceeded to create his own Adult Juicebox to fit in.
by GroveStreetElite January 19, 2013
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Young liberal bloggers who are insufficiently deferential to Israel's Likud party or its agents within the United States. Generally recognized members include Matthew Yglesias, Ezra Klein, and Spencer Ackerman.
The Juicebox Mafia thinks that Israel's operations in Gaza were a failure. They're self-hating juice!
by grebmorts April 19, 2009
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A non-misogynistic synonym for "chick drink"
Gin Eclipses are such a juicebox drink, you can barely taste the alcohol.
by nolcotin October 30, 2011
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