the "icing" they put on your cinnabon at the airport.
i got a cinnabon when i landed,it had the servers jizz all over it! It still looked good!
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the yummy white stuff that comes out of a guys dick when he has an erection.
Kerry: "oh guys what's jizz?"
Someone: "you know that stuff you always have on the sides of your mouth from Mikey."

Kerry, you gotta little jizz on your lip.
by raerae shanaenae April 23, 2009
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On seeing Bella, Edward jizzed his pants.
by Miss Lulz July 5, 2009
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When a male becomes excited over something, including non-sexual excitment, and then jizz in their pants unexpectantly.
-Kurt saw Brittney and jizzed in his pants.

-Kurt smelled febrez and jizzed in his pants.

-Kurt opened a window and felt cool breeze then suddenly jizzed in his pants.

-Whorehay told Kurt he was taking him to the park and Kurt jizzed his pants.
by lilzog May 2, 2009
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When a man is tired of fucking he just jizzes to a women so they would Finnish

A man loves to shoot this because the juice is a women magnet so free fucking :)
Henry: oh shit, I love to jizz on her face
by Dick sucking for bants January 20, 2018
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