Usually used to describe a female who is well kept,which means her hair,her nails is always done and her overall apperance is up to date
"Damn,Siarra was so jazzy in Plush last nite...but she was with her babydaddy Orlando and that nigga is a fool..."
by Diamond Q November 16, 2008
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A non-derogatory name for a group of girls, unlike bitches and hoes.
David: Hey bro, you wanna go to a party tonite?
Nathan: Are there gunna be any jazzies?
David: hell yea. a crapload of them.
Nathan: Right on then.
by remairwaldo December 11, 2008
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stimulating, appealing (possibly related to jazz something up)
That furniture is so jazzy.
by Light Joker March 30, 2005
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a style body languatge.
She has a jazzy walk.
by Sun Rhythms October 13, 2004
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Something someone who wears seasonal sweaters would say in response to seeing something pleasing.
Look at that kitten sweater with the rhinestones glued to it? Isn't that jazzy?
by JenThe80'sFan February 3, 2004
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it is often used by teenage girls that have nothing better to do with their time. describing a good time, a fantastically fun, or awesome time.

when referring to a time - jazzfest, jazz, jazz life.
when referring to someone - jazzball.
julia - "leslie, we need to go look at some jazzy things. have a jazzfest. you jazzball"

by lesliexmassacre April 1, 2009
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