It's not my job to educate homophobes, but everyone should know by now that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If you continue ruining other people's lives, you're truly pathetic I mean how long will it take until you realize YOU are the problem? For example phobes complain that gay people "flaunt" their life style, and "want special rights" hello idiots if it wasn't for your homophobia there wouldn't be any need for gay pride. Homosexuality isn't going to vanish so quit wasting time, life is short try to actually enjoy it. The world needs more love yet it's being denied over hate. Yeah God must really love this...
How depressing, people are more bothered by homosexuality then other things like hmm idk gangs, murders, war, recession, things to actually worry & be against.
by The truth shouldn't hurt October 3, 2009
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Despite what many people think, this is NOT a sexual preference, is something one is born with
I'm homosexual, I didn't choose it, I don't want to change. Thank you, very much
by Spanishboy October 2, 2009
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1.A person who has sex with someone of the same gender.

the argument that homosexuality is not natural is irrelevant for two reasons. first because were not the only animals to do it, and second because being natural dosnt mean it's bad or good. Poison is natural, so are vitamins.

Unfortunatly there are alot of gay people with AIDS. But what of the heterosexuals with AIDS? Is god punishing them? That's like saying anything bad that happens is because God is pissed at you. Would you tell a child that was molested it was his/her fault because God is pissed?

by Jennifer93 August 11, 2006
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to be physically attaracted to the same sex.
hey guys, did you know danny marar is a homosexual.
by j1m January 20, 2008
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a normal person, who just has a diffrent taste in people

If someone is happy, and not afraid to be themselves, why should their sexual preference matter?
fuck you if your homophobic, homosexuals and bisexuals rock. they're the funnest people to hang out with.
by ImapunkGCchick (Joleen) March 11, 2005
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The state of shoving your dick into a man’s ass and “sword fighting” with your genitalia.
Corbin was of homosexuality, so he asked Jack if he could slide his erection into his asshole.
by TalanTaco January 20, 2018
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1.To be attracted to the same sex.

2. Gay people are judged based on a book written 2000 years ago and two mythical characters called Adam and Eve.

3. Gay people are often judged on double standards.

4. People who say homosexuality is wrong/a sin are afraid they are the same.
1. George likes Michael. Linda likes Sarah.

2. 4000 years ago monkeys didn't have names.

3. Two lesbians on tv are hot, but two guys are gross (look "sarcasm")

5. Carlos says homosexuality is a sin and gays will rotten in hell because he's still in the closet.
by Luizza November 6, 2006
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