1-When something is a far distance, especially when people are under the infulecne of marijauna.
A-Yo lets walk to Laurnes house
Group- okay
A-what the fuck why arent we there yet
Zach-cause she live sin fucking guam
by DG May 8, 2005
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Just another word for cannabis basically. Generally used to decribe strong skunk. Used by Yardies in Birmingham, UK.
by Smokeyjoe July 2, 2004
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A buffass kid, aka JUSTiN KORN-NAY-JOE.
by HUAN November 13, 2003
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The shittiest car you can ever own that will make obnoxious noise when you start the engine.
Guy #1: That's one ugly guam bomb
Guy #2: I know!
by Stealf September 18, 2010
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A Vial STD contracted from having sex with Hydrerion. This particular sexually transmitted disease has a symptom of green puss coming out of anus and major one of major flatulence with blood.
Oh my god Sean!! Your Getting Your Grimy Guam Everywhere!
by Dalton, Mr_Pumpk1n June 5, 2008
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Noun. A name for a dish ordered at a restaurant in a group dining setting that no one wants when it arrives.
Despite Jenny swearing up and down she had it before, when the dish arrived, the Durian infused liver and garlic corn risotto instantly became the Guam plate.
by Magnus Carlsen January 4, 2013
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