a silly person; a term of endearment regarding a silly loved one
Haha goob. That was silly!
by HS:] August 14, 2010
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I got the greatest Goobe form the chick at the bar last night. It was so wet I was damn near swimming.
by ben86 January 9, 2009
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someone who dribbles from their chin as a child
Have you seen Goob's drool at the ratskaller?
by JoSp123123 May 11, 2009
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Someone who plays computer games for more then six hours a day on a daily basis. May get offended if goobness is pointed out.
Geoff you're such a goob, you've been playing Dark Age of Camelot all day!
by Becki June 12, 2004
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any person or persons that their friends can't classify because they are to awesome to classify....they call them a "goob".
Amy says to Johnny. "you're a goob". And johnny says "thanks"
by ithunder9 childress April 13, 2010
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A Goob is mosher slang for a drink. These types of moshers are usually druggies and wear emo clothes.

A Goob can come in many varieties such as a Energy Goob meaning energy drink, Alcho Goob is a alcoholic drink. These can be interchangeable for different types of drink but just usually comes in the standard Goob form.
Mosher 1: “That was heavy ket that, anyone coming the shop”
Mosher 2: “Nah but can you get us a Goob”
Mosher 1: “only if I get saves on your biff
by Mr. Envious September 24, 2019
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