Geek can be used in 2 different ways.
1- Geek = the state of being amusing or humorous.

2- Geeking = When a person is really fucked up on any kind of drug.
1- The movie we saw last night was so geek.

2- Dude, i just dusted a line and took 4 bong rips, im GEEKING!!
by Geeeeeeek March 18, 2009
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Un popular people who no one likes, and who don't care because they have an IQ higher than most of the school jocks can count and because in 15 years they will be earning more than five times as much money as said jocks. (Note: This definition is not biased at all. What gave you that idea?)
The geek Jake used to make fun of in high school was on the front page, surrounded by money. Jake considered hitting him up for money, then decided to find some other way to support his heroin addiction.
by Geek May 1, 2003
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A geek is not a nerd.
A geek is obsessive over anything and everything: television shows (including Star Wars, Harry Potter and Doctor Who) it can be from comics, the internet and often consoles, pc games or related topics.

The geek will know everything about the given subject but despite this will have few problems socially.

However, in brief, a nerd applies to somebody who is a computer genius or enjoys maths,science or ICT to a large extent
Wow, John is such a geek all he ever talks about is Doctor Who!

I am such a nintendo geek- i have soo many of their games

Jill is not a geek- she's a nerd- she spends all her time on her computer
by karmaeve May 5, 2009
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Someone well-versed in a science, especially insofar as computers are concerned. Many have long hair, sleek typing fingers, and slender builds from not getting much exercise. Also frequently interested in RPGs, cyberpunk culture, and obscure programming languages.
Computer geeks are so sexy! Their braininess, their long hair, their cute glasses, their ability to code for hours on end, their geekspeak, their innate sweet shyness, their *ahem* attentiveness... the list goes on... *sigh* Computer geeks - gotta love 'em!
by talk nerdy to me! May 8, 2003
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people get it confused with nerd. a geek is obsessive about something, ranging from comic books to the internet. geeks can sometimes be cool, nerds less so
person 1: ha! teachers pet! what a geek
person 2: actually hes a nerd
person 1: geek!
person 2: nerd!
*persons 1&2 get into fight. geek escapes unhurt*
by leeko22arsenal October 11, 2007
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Slang term for zombies in the TV adaptation of "The Walking Dead".
"Ever since you fired those shots, the streets are filled with geeks." - Glenn
by Glastoki November 9, 2010
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To be overly excited for an inherently intellectual exercise.
"Fucking magnets, how do they work? I don't know, let's get our geek on and find out!"
by dgoldberg January 12, 2015
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