(Single)An old dude who scares the shit out of people.

(Plural)A convention of hobos who bring liquor stores lots of change

The flabbergaster jumped out of the alley and scared the shit out of Toby.
by Sherpent October 21, 2008
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An indescribable sex act. So lewd that the true definition can never be said, everyone still knows what it means though.
Last night my girlfriend came over to my house, after 70 ounces of vodka i flabbergasted all over her, ruining her new cardigan
by tdotyadunknoe June 24, 2009
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definition: an intense often violent expulsion of fecal material of consisting of a blood/poop mixture caused by the sight of something awesome, amazing, breath taking, etc.
Example: Mike flabbergastered in his pants when he saw a monkey driving a go-kart.
by imahumandictionary July 22, 2010
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An adjective used to describe the look someone gives you when they are confused or suprised.
Danny looked really flabbergasted after we told him that Portugal tied the game up in the last second.
by N. Tuite June 24, 2014
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A word used to describe your feelings when you feel confused, frustrated, angry, and insecure
Nicole! Please tell me what you put!! I am feeling flabbergasted because of you!
by peanut_ariel_carlos March 3, 2019
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