1. A phrase to be used when perplexed by anything, miniscule or otherwise.

2. A proclaim of confusion.
1. Return from break and walk into a clusterf*ck/shitshow!: "What in the actual factual....?"
2. Trying to fix something and you can't figure out how it goes back together OR unable to comprehend how something operates even from a basic standpoint: "What in the actual factual?"
by JordaNINsoco October 29, 2022
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This is another word for a fact but it’s used only is u bad😎
by Immaturityyy January 4, 2020
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fart + actually = factually its just like a math equation

to actually fart
Mom I am factually farting right now!
by successful definitions November 6, 2022
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Lame excuse for wanting your way in life.

In other words, it's for stupid people.
Man, I don't like math; I'm just gonna say I disagree on my next test, because, you know, post-factual.
by drinsidious December 25, 2016
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a statement that is true and factual containing no joke
i do drugs
“factual no captual”
by slayer111 June 10, 2022
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hyper sensitive literal definition of the word factual
sashi factual world a label is a physical product that is provided in one’s hands

in real world a label COULD be a product or it could be something you print on a physical piece of PAPER
by myusernameisthisreallylongname December 20, 2018
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